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The Calming Corner: August 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pinterest-5 ideas I've used and loved

I bet every teacher, counselor, school psych out there has explored pinterest for ideas at one time or another. It's great for group ideas, tips, etc.   The only problem?  I often pin things that I completely forget about!  I know I'm not the only one either!

I thought I'd share some ideas that I got from Pinterest that I have used and have been helpful in my practice.  Here's to all of the pins that have been lost!

If you haven't seen this chart  around, you should skip the pinning and print it now.  It's SO helpful for explaining test results and standardized scores.  I keep a copy in my office, and one in the conference room where we have our meetings.  

Let's face it, even with a sign as bright as this on your door, there will still be those one or two people who barge in just as you are administering a timed subtest.  However, this sign does deter most.  I've made an laminated a bunch for my team.  And it's free!

This activity is super easy to put together and is great for the start of the school year.  It addresses friendship, and pragmatics in one.

I do an Enemy Pie group session at least 5 times a year every year, because let's face it, friendship problems happen.  I have a ton of copies of these worksheets already printed out to use.

This pin isn't on an educational website, but a great idea from a mom.   I  used the exact format for teaching one of my students about feelings and facial expressions, and she loved it!  So fun and easy.

Now that I've used these, I have only 100,000 more pins to get to!

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

In the Beginning: Advice for the New School Psychologist

This year will be my fourth year in my school (I can't believe it!), and it seems like just yesterday I was nervously setting up my office and having no idea what to expect but excited to take on the world.

I read The School Psychologist's Survival Guide the summer before, which helped me a little bit, but as any School Psych will tell you, neither graduate school nor any books will prepare you for the real thing.

Here are some suggestions I have for you first years starting out.

Put Yourself Out There
My mother, who has been a teacher since I was in grade school, gave me some small words of advice that were perfect when I first started out.  The first, was to have a bowl of candy in my office to share.  The second, was to offer a hand to others to help.                        

The first day the staff arrived, I put aside setting up my own office to help move around furniture in several others.  It helped me get to know them, and bonded us within the first few days.

Walk The Halls
We are School Psychologists.  Which, for my position in my school, means lots of interactions with students and teachers.  And there is no better way to get to know  students and teachers than to walk the halls and be present in your school.  When I didn't have anything to do my first year (or rather, I didn't know I should be doing anything), I would pop into a classroom or walk around and see what was going on.  It helped, a lot.  I also spent (and still do spend!) a lot of time at lunch and recess.  It helps the kiddos to get to know me, and me to get to know the kiddos.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Student Observation Checklist

Update:  Download it here from Google Drive!

This checklist is my most downloaded document on TpT.  My Observation Checklist has evolved over the past 3 years, and this is the first year I don't plan on making any changes to it for the upcoming year (so far!)

If you are a psychologist, social worker or counselor, chances are, you are always being asked to observe students in their classroom.  Sometimes it's teachers, sometimes parents, sometimes others in the school who ask you "Can you take a look at....?"

My first year, I loved getting into the classrooms to observe students, but I was SO disorganized with what to do with my observations when I finished with them.  I've developed this form over the years, and I use it all the time.

I use it for my observations for reports every time I do one, but also anytime an observation is requested.   I copy the form on some colored paper so it's easy to find, and when I'm done with it,  it gives me something physical to remind me to email or chat with the teacher, and file it away in the students' file.

There are several different sections:

  • Genreal info. (name, time, date, area of concern & more)
  • General behavioral observations
  • Activity level/Classroom behaviors
  • Affect/Mood
  • Classroom relationships
  • Observation notes (a version with lined notes, and blank one for time stamps)
  • A wrap up section including areas of strength, barriers to success and suggestions/strategies (I write these down as I'm in the observation-isn't so easy to forget things a few hours later??)

This form is a definite time saver and helper in my school psych. life.  What do you use for observation?

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Wrapping it up: End of the Year checklist

At the end of the year, I try to do as much as possible to prep for the upcoming year before running for the door and yelling "school's out for the summmmmmmerrrr!!!"

Mainly, this consists of the following:

  • Getting my office cleaned up and organized as much as possible (aka finding tiny families of spiders in corners, collecting all the little lego pieces hiding under furniture).
  • Organizing all of my computer files:
    • You never know what can happen over the summer, and I always make sure that before I leave, I have all my student files organized on my drive, as well as folders that contain activities, etc.
  •  Making our SPED chart for next year:
    • The beginning of the year is always a crazy time, and I like to make sure that I'm prepared going in with a list of kids we have, and what evaluations and meetings we need to start prepping for immediately.  I feel one step ahead every Fall for doing this, and it's completely worth it.
  • Prepping my 504 Plans for the next year:
    • It seems like there are so many 504 plans now, and at the beginning of the year, I like to check in with my teachers about students with 504's before the year starts.  Since there are only like 3 days to do this, I don't know how I would get it done beforehand without doing this ahead of time.  Every June, I print out all of the plans and a cover sheet for the  next years teachers.  I also print out a copy of each one for our specialists.  In August, I just have to do through and update them with any easy changes that happened over the summer.  This has been SUCH a timesaver.
What do you do to prepare?

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